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show host
Tom Mabe
Sober Talk.
You are here because you want to get sober, you need to get sober, or perhaps you are just sober curious.
Whatever the reason is, I’m glad you are here.
Here’s the story about this show.
I have quit drinking many times. I’ve quit for six months. I have quit for a year. I went for two years!
This time I am a couple months in. I’ve come to find that living alcohol free is one thing, but living alcohol free and happy is another thing.
So I am doing it differently this time. I’m working the steps. I started this show. And I have high hopes.
A lot of times on the show we discuss the health benefits, both physical and mental.
And sometimes we share drunken war stories. Sometimes those stories are hilarious, sometimes they end in divorce, prison, and unfortunately, sometimes death.
How can you tell if you have a drinking problem? If it causes problems.
Email me at sobertalklive (at)
-Tom Mabe
This Is Sober Talk
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You can watch all past episodes for free on Youtube. Please like and Subscribe. I read all the comments, and appreciate the feedback.
Sober Talk on Facebook
Here is where you can catch the episodes LIVE. I try my best do a daily episode, Monday thru Friday at 8pm EST. I also started including a morning edition! Follow me on Facebook to be updated when I go live and more. And don’t forget to join the Private Group.
Sober Talk the Podcast
You can listen to the podcast right here (link above) or follow the links below to listen via your favorite podcast listening app.
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I think your sober talk is amazing! Being open about alcoholism is a hard topic. Thanks for being honest and helpful to others
– Video Comment
Stay focused, I can assure you life without alcohol is so much better, you’ll never ever regret putting the bottle down. One once told me your worst day sober beats your best day drinking, I couldn’t understand at first but it holds so much truth!
Hey Tom.. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that what you’re doing is invaluable. I’m proud to be a part of it.
– Facebook Message
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